Wednesday 18 May 2016

Same crs, different spatial reference system units, shape files / QGIS

I have two files, same crs but different reference system units and different scale. Long story short, the shp files won't overlap :(

I've read some answers to what seems to be the same problem but I just can't fix it.

Layer 1 Layer Spatial Reference System: WGS 84 / UTM 21S In layer spatial reference system units: xMin,yMin 368398.86,6105694.51 : xMax,yMax 852832.93,6265658.88

Layer 2 Layer Spatial Reference System: WGS 84 / UTM 21S In layer spatial reference system units: xMin,yMin -57.9891,-36.9946 : xMax,yMax -50.0697,-34.4732

Can someone help me with this problem?


The second layer seems to be in degrees, although the SRS tells something else.

So you might set EPSG:4326 WGS84 with Set Layer CRS.

The result looks reasonable:

enter image description here

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