I am working on a script that will take an unprojected raster, and using a UTM grid (shapefile), will obtain the correct SRS (I have a shapefile where each zone is attributed with its numerical SRS) and perform a warp/projection using GDAL on that raster. It is a quicker way than figuring out the right zone, and then manually doing the warp.
Procedurally, I am grabbing the raster corners and constructing WKT geometry (polygon); the objective is to do a spatial join with the correct feature in the UTM grid. Here's what I have so far:
import os
import ogr
from osgeo import gdal
def getRasterBox(raster):
src = gdal.Open(raster)
ulx, xres, xskew, uly, yskew, yres = src.GetGeoTransform()
lrx = ulx + (src.RasterXSize * xres)
lry = uly + (src.RasterYSize * yres)
return (uls, uly, lrx, lry)
def findUTMzone(raster_box, utmgrid):
# do the stuff
utmzone_path = r'C:\temp'
utmzone_file = 'utm_grid.shp'
utmzone = os.path.join(utmzone_path, utmzone_file)
utm_ds = ogr.Open(utmzone)
utm_layer = utm_ds.GetLayer()
rasterdir = r'C:\temp'
raster_file = 'n38.tif'
raster = os.path.join(rasterdir, raster_file)
rasterdetails = getRasterBox(raster)
rasterWKT = 'POLYGON(({} {}, {} {}, {} {}, {} {}, {} {}))'.format(rasterdetails[0], rasterdetails[1], rasterdetails[0], rasterdetails[3], rasterdetails[2], rasterdetails[3], rasterdetails[2], rasterdetails[1], rasterdetails[0], rasterdetails[1])
Using the QuickWKT plugin for QGIS, I can see that I'm getting a good WKT ring for the raster bounds. However, I'm unsure how to perform the spatial join in a way that grabs the feature attribute containing the correct SRS code. How do I do this part (under def findUTMzone(raster_box, utmgrid):
)? I have seen a few arcpy
examples, but am looking for something open-source.
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