Sunday 29 May 2016

gdal - Merge overlapping DEMs with irregular boundaries

I have a 10m DEM covering part of a state, a 20m DEM covering the whole state, and a 90m DEM covering the whole country. How can I merge them together, getting the best quality available in each area?

The 10m and 20m are provided in ADF format, but I've converted them to .tif using ogr2ogr.

Using gdal_merge doesn't work, because the boundaries of each area are irregular. This is the result:

enter image description here

(The northeastern edge of the state is irregular, but there obviously shouldn't be the gap in the middle.)

UPDATE If it's useful, I also have a shapefile for each 10m DEM, marking its extent.


Ok, here's what the whole state looks like with the 20m DEM.

enter image description here

The process I'm going through so far is this:

for f in dtm20m dtm10m_nw dtm10m_e; do
export GDAL_CACHEMAX=1000
echo -n "Re-projecting: "
gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:3111 -t_srs EPSG:3785 -r bilinear ./vmelev_${f}/${f} ${f}-3785.tif

echo -n "Generating hill shading: "
gdaldem hillshade -z 5 $f-3785.tif $f-3785-hs.tif
echo and overviews:
gdaladdo -r average $f-3785-hs.tif 2 4 8 16


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