Wednesday 18 May 2016

data - PostGIS (2.0?) - Native Versioning of the Datastore

I recently have been surprised to see there are not too many solutions at all discussing the best methods of versioning datastores which are made available for editing.

I am looking for a robust, efficient solution which would me to share a bunch of data with registered users and where those users can edit this geodata or associating attributes individually. My requirement though is that I need any and all edits logged so they can be rolled back to any previous state just like a wiki.

More specifically, I am utilizing a tool called (built on PostGIS 2.0) through which whatever method needs to be compatible.

Very curious to learn any/all information you guys might be able to share in regards to my needs. Thanks - CH


Heard whispers about GeoGit at FOSS4G. Chris Holmes and others are working on this as a WFS-Versioning replacement, of sorts. Don't know how far along the project is, or how it would tie in with spatial databases like PostGIS... .

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