Tuesday 17 May 2016

spatialite - Polygon intersection using QGIS virtual layers

I'm trying to intersect polygon geometries in QGIS by using a virtual layer:

sbqry.rowid AS gid,
ST_Intersection(land_parcels.geometry, flood_zone.geometry) AS geom

FROM land_parcels, flood_zone
WHERE ST_Intersects(land_parcels.geometry, flood_zone.geometry) AND NOT ST_Touches(land_parcels.geometry, flood_zone.geometry))
AS sbqry;

Unfortunately, sbqry.rowid AS gid returns NULL instead of auto-incrementing values.

enter image description here enter image description here

Does anybody know how to create an unique identifier column named 'gid'? As far as I know virtual layers are based on SQLite/Spatialite.

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