Monday, 9 May 2016

postgis - Return nodes along portions of edges with pgrouting

I have been experimenting with generating isochrones with pgrouting using osm data. So far, I have been able to generate isochrone polygons by getting the concave hull of the nodes returned from the pgr_drivingdistance function. Here is a sample query to generate 10 minute (0.166667 hr) isochrone from node 46397, assuming a speed of 5km/h :

SELECT 1 AS id, st_concavehull(st_union(t.the_geom), 0.95)
(SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost, pt.the_geom AS the_geom
FROM pgr_drivingdistance(
'SELECT id, source, target, (km/5) as cost FROM at_2po_4pgr',
46397, 0.166667, FALSE, FALSE
) AS di
JOIN at_2po_4pgr_vertices_pgr pt
ON di.id1 = t

Which yields the following isochrone :

10 min isochrone at 5kmh from node 46397

I would like to know if it is possible to calculate an isochrone while considering the possibility of reaching points along a portion of each edge? This would be especially useful in cases where network edges are very long. For example, the pgr_drivingdistance function would return a point 50% along an edge, if only half of the edge could be traversed.

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