Friday 3 February 2017

How to pansharpen LANDSAT 8 in GRASS?

Having used QGIS for quite some time for mapping, I was 'forced' to dig into GRASS as pansharpening is not directly executable in QGIS. After understanding more or less the structure, I did some trials with i.fusion.brovey. I was able to generate the rasters with 15m resolution, but when loading into QGIS I can not achieve/recuperate the nice colour contrast as is present in the original 30m rasters.

In an earlier post someone confirmed that and proposed to use another function for landsat: 'i.his.rgb' (after using i.landsat.toar, which I don't use). He starts to convert min/max to 1-255 before using i.his.rgb...My original rasters have a range of 0-65535. It did not work out for me...

I quit after some days of struggling to just perform a pansharp, I feel stuck... Why should just applying i.pansharp not work for Landsat as suggested by others? Can someone suggest a more straightforward workflow to execute pansharpening of Landsat 8 images? Looking forward to some advice, thanks in advance...


Thanks Michal and Markus. Finally I was able to do the pansharpening with the indicated function brov. Once performed in GRASS, I exported the RGB rasters to gdal GTiff with as data type Uint16. Markus, I have been downloading and using several Landsat 8 images (tiff of each of the 11 bands), obtaining nice visual results, both in natural/false color. To my knowledge, the original landsat tiffs come as Uint16 with values ranging from 0 to 65535 (or am I missing something?)...Thanks for the GRASS LANDSAT link...

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