Friday, 24 February 2017

arcgis 10.0 - Get part of polyline based on 2 points in Arc Engine

Currently I have a layer with polylines; in another layer, I allowed the user to create 2 points on the polyline.

I want to know if there is a function for the polyline feature that I can use to get the clipped portion of the polyline based on the 2 user-added points. Thanks.


enter image description here

The testmethod only works with arcmap, but the other methods should work with arcengine.

private void TestGetsubCurve()

IPoint pnt1 = null;
IPoint pnt2 = null;
IPolyline polyLine = null;
var gc = ArcMap.Document.FocusMap as IGraphicsContainer;
IElement elem;
while((elem = gc.Next())!= null)
if (elem.Geometry is IPoint && pnt1 == null)

pnt1 = elem.Geometry as IPoint;
else if (elem.Geometry is IPoint && pnt2 == null)
pnt2 = elem.Geometry as IPoint;
else if (elem.Geometry is IPolyline)
polyLine = elem.Geometry as IPolyline;
if (pnt1 == null || pnt2 == null || polyLine == null)
Debug.Print("missing some geometry");

var subCurve = GetSubCurve(polyLine, pnt1, pnt2);
elem = new LineElementClass();
((ILineElement)elem).Symbol = ((IDocumentDefaultSymbols)ArcMap.Document).LineSymbol;
elem.Geometry = subCurve;
gc.AddElement(elem, 0);

private IPolyline GetSubCurve(IPolyline inpolyLine, IPoint pnt1, IPoint pnt2)

double d1 = GetDistAlong(inpolyLine,pnt1);
double d2 = GetDistAlong(inpolyLine, pnt2);

var c = inpolyLine as ICurve;
ICurve outCurve;
c.GetSubcurve(d1, d2, false, out outCurve);
if (c == null || c.IsEmpty)
throw new Exception("unable to get subcurve");
var outPolyline = outCurve as IPolyline;

if (outPolyline == null)
// this didn't happen in testing, but one never knows ...
outPolyline = new PolylineClass() as IPolyline;
var sc = outPolyline as ISegmentCollection;
((IGeometry)sc).SpatialReference = outCurve.SpatialReference;
return outPolyline;

private double GetDistAlong(IPolyline polyLine, IPoint pnt)
var outPnt = new PointClass() as IPoint;
double distAlong = double.NaN;
double distFrom = double.NaN;
bool bRight = false;
polyLine.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, pnt, false, outPnt,
ref distAlong, ref distFrom, ref bRight);
return distAlong;


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