Friday, 24 February 2017

Converting ArcGIS raster colormap file (*.clr) to QGIS style file (*.qml)

I have an ArcGIS colormap (*.clr) and I want to open it in QGIS to apply a predefined style.

The *.clr file is really simple, only has four columns representing [value] [red] [green] [blue], as this example:

19 161 161 161
21 152 181 129
22 114 168 144

23 124 142 173

Is there a way to read these columns and convert them in a QGIS style file (*.qml)?


Nice answer from @whyzar! You could load .clr files into QGIS and then save it as a .qml file. As described in this post, the standard text format is:

Value R G B Alpha Label

So in your case, you could create a text file with:



And load it from the menu:


You can then edit and save the style as a .qml.

From @Stefan's comment, I've included some quick code which reformats the input text file in a way that QGIS can read it (hopefully!):

main_path = 'path/to/directory/'
with open(main_path + 'infile.txt') as infile, open(main_path + 'outfile.txt', 'w') as outfile:

for line in infile:
value = line.split(' ')[0]
line = line.replace(' ', ',').rstrip('\n') + ',255,' + value + '\n'

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