Saturday, 25 February 2017

qgis - Why can't I save new points created in QField?

We are using QField 0.7.5 that seems a really great project to bring QGis on a mobile device.

  • I prepared a QGis 2016 project : orthophoto + 1 polygon layer (casdatre) + 1 point layer to input data.

  • I transferred the project and the data to a Galaxy Tab A (Android 5.0.2). I open the project with QField and everything displays fine, I can move and query the data, really great.

But when I create a point, I can't save the new point (save don’t save the new point).

Do you have any idea what’s wrong?


There are potentially two things that could trigger this behavior.

  1. The project might be located on an external SD card. Android prevents apps from writing to external SD cards except for an app specific folder. If you save the project on an external SD card, put your data into the folder /Android/data/ch.opengis.qfield/files See also: Documentation, Issue report

  2. The layer in which you digitize is not in the same CRS as the project itself. This is mentioned in the documentation. It is also reported as a bug in the current version that newly digitized geometries are not reprojected. Update: This issue is fixed in QField >= 0.8

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