Thursday, 16 February 2017

openlayers 2 - How to skip drag event to stop a feature being dragged

I am new to OpenLayers and I'm trying to drag markers and skip some markers from being dragged, I've tried dragFeature.deactivate(); it will deactivate entire features.

Please check this code :

dragFeature = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(vectorLayer, {
autoActivate: true,

onEnter: function (feature) {
// example assign : x=1;
// if(x==0){ continue draging of a feature }
// else{ stop a feature from being dragged }
onLeave: function (feature) {

onStart: function (feature, pixel) {

onComplete: function (feature, pixel) {

Please help me.


You can check feature attributes and deactivate drag handler for some values:

drag.onStart = function(f,p) {

if (f.attributes.draggable === false) {

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