Sunday 26 February 2017

arcpy - How to get an extent for Raster using python

I have to get an extent of a given raster so that I can save it and use the same to clip another raster with that extracted extent. As of now I am stuck in the extent part.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

desc= arcpy.env.extent("D:\GIS @ UTD\Sem 1\GISC 6317\Lab\Lab 10\temp\Tahoe\Tahoe\Emer\erelev.grid")

print desc

The following gives an output 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN.

Any suggestions.


Dont use env.extent you need to get raster extent.

import arcpy

elevRaster ='C:/data/elevation')
myExtent = elevRaster.extent

print myExtent

i hope it helps you...

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