Wednesday 22 January 2020

How to apply "Band" settings using gdal Python bindings?

I am trying to replicate the gdal_translate command, but using pure Python:

gdal_translate infile.tif outfile.tif -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR -co TFW=YES -b 1 -b 2 -b 3

I have already looked at How to call gdal_translate from Python code? but am stuck with how to apply band information using the GDAL Python bindings.

So far I can see how to do all of this with the Python code, except apply the band (-b) settings.

#Import gdal
from osgeo import gdal

src_filename = r"infile.tif"
dst_filename = r"outfile.tif"

#Open existing dataset
src_ds = gdal.Open( src_filename )

#Open output format driver, see gdal_translate --formats for list
format = "GTiff"
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( format )

#Output to new format
dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy( dst_filename, src_ds, 0, ['COMPRESS=JPEG','PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR','TFW=YES'])

#Properly close the datasets to flush to disk
dst_ds = None

src_ds = None

After reading the GDAL API Tutorial, it appears that I can only do this with the Create() method, not the CreateCopy() method. If I have to go the route of using the Create() method, what is the right approach to doing this? It looks like using a VRT is likely the right way, but I cannot wrap my head around how to write the code that would "make a copy" of the existing file while using either the Create() or VRT methods.

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