Saturday 21 July 2018

python - Finding the index of a field with its name using arcpy

I want to extract the index of a field with its name using arcpy. It seems what I have written is so dumb. Is there any simpler method with out using for-loop?

    import arcpy

fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(self.address_ref_layer1)
self.field_name = []

for field in fieldList:
print self.field_name
print self.field_name.index(u"NAMN1")

It could also be written:

    fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(self.address_ref_layer1
name_index = [ for f in fieldList].index(u"NAMN1")

The ListFiled function returns list of field objects with many properties as well as name, but no function to return the index of the field which has a specific name?

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