Monday, 11 January 2016

postgis - How to export geometry as a table in QGIS

I am trying to use Qgis to produce the input file for SWMM and the first step is to produce the geometry tables. I need to export the geometry of elements as a tables with these format:


;;Subcatchment   X-Coord            Y-Coord           

;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
Area1 134880.644 6495607.728
Area1 135200.867 6495595.252
Area1 134859.850 6495577.785
Area1 134864.009 6495608.560
Area2 135202.531 6495594.420
Area2 135117.692 6495685.081
Area2 134870.663 6495665.119
Area2 134863.177 6495608.560


;;Link           X-Coord            Y-Coord           
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
Link3 134941.633 6495830.023
Link3 134953.814 6495860.476


;;Node           X-Coord            Y-Coord           
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
Node1 134866.732 6495657.169

Node2 134918.668 6495651.752
Node3 134919.624 6495674.375
Node4 134933.644 6495678.517
Node5 135002.538 6495870.626
Outfall1 134890.879 6496098.005

So far, I have tried the MMQIS, but I do not know how to tailor the output:



My guess is that a set of SQL sentences could do the work (I saw, but I have no clue how to start them and what I need.

The elements are stored in separate files (GeoPackage or shape), I do not care about the attribute table (now) and I think I will be able to use a database. I have PostGIS (I am very unexperienced on it), but maybe it is easier to work with a SpatiaLite file.


It´s a bit puzzling to me why any software would require a fixed space delimited format as input...but anyway, AFAIK within QGIS your options are limited since both 'Save as...' -> CSV and the MMQGIS have their backdraws for your requirements.

PostgreSQL's COPY (or /copy if your DB rights are limited) does give you more flexibility in constructing the table structure, albeit still with no fixed space delimiter:

SELECT concat('Area', AS "Subcatchment",
ST_X(sub.geom) AS "X-Coord",
ST_Y(sub.geom) AS "Y-Coord"
(ST_DumpPoints(geom)).geom AS geom
) AS sub

) TO 'path/to/file.csv' DELIMITER ' ' CSV HEADER;

This is the example query for your area table, for the lines just replace 'Subcatchment' and 'Area' with 'Link' and refer to your line table ( in above query).

For your Points, use:

SELECT concat('Node', AS "Node",
ST_X(sub.geom) AS "X-Coord",
ST_Y(sub.geom) AS "Y-Coord"

) AS sub
) TO 'path/to/file.csv' DELIMITER ' ' CSV HEADER;

This gives you a CSV each, delimited by one space and without quotes (this is dependant on a few things, but should be true for your case). Note that your geometry column is called the kind-of standard 'geom' in above queries, so name yours accordingly.

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