Sunday 24 January 2016

arcgis 10.3 - Delete empty and null fields using arcpy

I need to remove fields within file GDB and SDE databases that contain only empty or null values. I was hoping to do this for an entire database at a time rather than per feature class. The code below shows the best of what I have so far. It does not, however, accomplish what I had hoped. I am somewhat new to Python and am using ArcMap 10.3.1.

import arcpy  
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = r"C:\New Folder\Default.gdb"

def DelFields(path):
env.workspace = path
# first need to point to FCs within DSs
datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets(feature_type='All')
datasets = [''] + datasets if datasets is not None else []

for ds in datasets:
for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(feature_dataset=ds):
# list comp syntax:
# [{code}var{code} for var in [list] if var{logic test}].
fieldList = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc) if f.type ==
"Short" or "Long" or "Float" or "Double" or "Text" or
"Date" or "Blob" or "Raster" or "Guid"] # "All" did not work
print fieldList # to see what I have so far

if fieldList: # this is a bit of a long shot I think

# The UpdateCursor line gives error:
# TypeError: 'field_names' must be string or non empty sequence of strings
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, [fieldList]) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
for i in range (len(fieldList)):
if row[i].rstrip() == "": # trying to find empties
arcpy.DeleteField_management(path, fieldList)
elif row[i] == "": # trying to find Nulls
arcpy.DeleteField_management(path, fieldList)

DelFields(r"C:\New Folder\Default.gdb")


Try this; see the comments for explanation.

import os
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

def DelFields(path):
env.workspace = path

# Get a list of feature classes directly (i.e., not within feature datasets)
# the geodatabase
fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
# Add the relative paths of feature classes that are within feature
# datasets
fcs.extend([os.path.join(fd, fc) for fd in arcpy.ListDatasets() for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(feature_dataset=fd)])

# Iterate over the feature classes
for fc in fcs:
# Test whether the field is required--rather than testing the field type

fieldList = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc) if not f.required]

# Iterate over the fields
for field in fieldList:
# Set a test variable to False
keep = False
# Iterate over each feature; if it has a non-null value, then set
# the test variable to True and then break out of the cursor
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, field) as cursor:
for row in cursor:

v = row[0]
if v is not None or \
(isinstance(v, basestring) \
and (v.lower.strip() != ''\
or v != '')):
keep = True

# If the test variable was unchanged, delete the field
if keep is False:

arcpy.DeleteField_management(fc, field)


EDIT: I've changed the if statement within the cursor to test for your desired null-like strings.

To catch similar cases that you might otherwise miss, you can determine whether the value is a string, and if so, lowercase it and then remove empty spaces on the outsides. If the result is your bracketed null or an empty string, then it will be considered null.

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