Tuesday 26 January 2016

postgis - st_startpoint(the_geom) returning empty values

When I upload a shapefile to PostgreSQL using the QGIS tool I can create the routing topology following this tutorial without any problem.

But when I use the PostGis Shapefile Import/Export Manager or the SQL generated by the shp2pgsql.exe I can't get any values for the x1,x2,y1 and y2 fields.

UPDATE edge_table SET x1 = st_x(st_startpoint(the_geom)),

y1 = st_y(st_startpoint(the_geom)),
x2 = st_x(st_endpoint(the_geom)),
y2 = st_y(st_endpoint(the_geom)),
cost_len = st_length_spheroid(the_geom, 'SPHEROID["WGS84",6378137,298.25728]'),
rcost_len = st_length_spheroid(the_geom, 'SPHEROID["WGS84",6378137,298.25728]');

Only cost_len and rcost_len have values after running that script.

And because of that I can't get any route at all. What am I missing?


ST_StartPoint() only accepts LineString as input. You'll have to strip your table down from MultiLineString to LineString, either by taking only the first element up each geometry

TYPE Geometry(LineString,4326)
USING ST_GeometryN(geom,1)

Or, more correctly, dumping the multis out, in case there are legit multis.

CREATE TABLE foo_single AS
SELECT (ST_Dump(geom)).geom::Geometry(LineString,4326) AS geom
FROM foo;

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