Tuesday 19 January 2016

How to add a field to a shapefile using R

This question is trying to make sense of a post that already exists that looks good, but is failing in practice.

The second ranked answer uses the foreign package to read a shapefile attribute table as a .dbf, then allows @mdsummer to add a field to the table as an additional attribute.

I am using Raster and Shapefiles packages (shapefiles borrows the foreign read and write dbf).

library(raster); library(shapefiles)


>class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

nfeatures : 213
extent : 577829.3, 582592.8, 3837297, 3839300 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=15 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0
nvariables : 1
names : OBJECTID
min values : 24571
max values : 28496

Now I'll read my attribute table:

shp.AT<-read.dbf(gsub(".shp", ".dbf", ZoneShape))

>[1] "list"

shp.AT is a list that contains an index produced by R and the Shapefile's OBJECTID. Their are 213 records, but the length of the list is 2.

I'm not a great programmer, but I know I can't add a field to a list.

>[3] ERROR: nrow(ZoneShape)



# "nothing is returned!"

@mdsummer includes an "as.is = TRUE" in the read.dbf statement. Not sure what that might have done in the past, but R returns an error when this is included.

If I modify my new field slightly:

shp.AT$GID<- 1:length(ZoneShape)

This time, no error. My list of ID's is again reported along with my new GID field, but:


[1] 1

If this worked as expected, I would overwrite the old DBF with the write.dbf command.

So, a couple questions really: Has the source changed, or is @mdsummer's post incorrect? or, am I totally missing something?

and (most importantly) how can I add fields to my shapefile attributes.

I also have a cross-posting on Overflow


The solution is less complicated than I was making it.



write.shapefile(shp, gsub(ZoneShape, ".shp", ""))

Thanks to vitale232

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