Monday 19 October 2015

Updating contrast enhancements for raster layers using bandStatistics in PyQGIS?

Found this function to update statistics for a raster layer :


Which works great for minmax and cumulative but stddev is hardcoded to 1 standard deviation. For cumulative it reads the lower and upper values from the settings but no setting for stddev.

So I have looked at the C++ code in the api and tried to convert that into a QGIS script. The only problem is that the band statistics and cumulative cut functions are returning "nan". Take a look at my code segment below and see if you can help:

       myEnhancement = QgsContrastEnhancement(myType)

if Limits == 0:

myRasterBandStats = rlayer.renderer().bandStatistics( myBand,
QgsRasterBandStats.Min | QgsRasterBandStats.Max)
myMin = myRasterBandStats.minimumValue
myMax = myRasterBandStats.maximumValue

elif Limits == 1:
myRasterBandStats = rlayer.renderer().bandStatistics( myBand,
QgsRasterBandStats.Mean | QgsRasterBandStats.StdDev)
myMin = myRasterBandStats.mean - ( StdDev * myRasterBandStats.stdDev )
myMax = myRasterBandStats.mean + ( StdDev * myRasterBandStats.stdDev )

elif Limits == 2:
myMin,myMax = rlayer.renderer().cumulativeCut( myBand, CumulativeLower,

raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException( str(myBand) + " " + str(myMin) + " " + str(myMax))
myEnhancement.setMinimumValue( myMin )
myEnhancement.setMaximumValue( myMax )

if renderType == "singlebandgray":

elif renderType == "multibandcolor":
if Band == 0:
elif Band == 1:
elif Band == 2:

Heres the full script using the first function which works great but does not enable you to have more than 1 standard deviation

##[Example scripts]=group
##Limits=selection "MinMax";"StdDev";"Cumulative"
##Stretch=selection "NoStretch";"StretchToMinMax";"StretchAndClipToMinMax";"ClipToMinMax"

import os
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
import qgis.utils

layers = qgis.utils.iface.legendInterface().layers()

for layer in layers:
layerType = layer.type()
if layerType == QgsMapLayer.RasterLayer:
if Stretch==0:
ContrastEnhancement = QgsContrastEnhancement.NoEnhancement
elif Stretch==1:
ContrastEnhancement = QgsContrastEnhancement.StretchToMinimumMaximum

elif Stretch==2:
ContrastEnhancement = QgsContrastEnhancement.StretchAndClipToMinimumMaximum
elif Stretch==3:
ContrastEnhancement = QgsContrastEnhancement.ClipToMinimumMaximum

if Limits==0:
elif Limits==1:
elif Limits==2:


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