Sunday 18 October 2015

qgis - Transforming Visio polygon to shapefile?

I am a complete newb at this stuff and don't know what I don't know. I may use incorrect language.

Essentially, I want to convert the shapes in a Microsoft Visio diagram into a shapefile. I pretty much want the diagram to BECOME a shapefile.

I have a csv file which describes 10-15 arbitrary polygons from that Visio diagram:

ShapeNo ShapeName PointNo   X    Y
1 My Square 2 37 155
1 My Square 4 116 155
1 My Square 6 116 234
1 My Square 8 37 234

1 My Square 10 37 155

Polygons are going to be squares, rectangles, with the occasional circle/oval. I'll generate the file above with a script which exports each point of each shape in the diagram. Part and parcel of the X/Y info is the relation of each shape to the others.

I'm hoping QGIS can take this information and essentially create a shapefile for me based on some arbitrary lat/lon "center".

Can this be done? If so, a push in the right direction (articles, keywords, walk-throughs) would be really appreciated.

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