Tuesday, 27 October 2015

remote sensing - LANDSAT 8 i.landsat.toar error GRASS 7

I am a bit new to GRASS, but I have managed to get a lot of good work done thus far. However, the following error is really throwing me off, because I can't find any help anywhere for it. I am using GRASS 7 that I downloaded today (9.23.13) on Windows 7.

Basically, I have a set of bands from a new Landsat 8 image acquired in May 2013. I want to convert these (GeoTiff format) to Top-of-Atmosphere using i.landsat.toar. According to what I've read, this should be the tool to use. I have the metadata file for the imagery and have made sure that i.landsat.toar is accessing it and that the computational region is set. However, I'm getting the following TWO errors.

Note this is the output from the tool's dialog box.

Error 1: The tool appears not to be picking up the Earth-sun distance or the Solar elevation angle from the metadata file

i.landsat.toar --overwrite --verbose input_prefix=LC80630462013143LGN01_B output_prefix=TOAR2_ metfile=C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\All Projects\PTA\Mapping\Landsat\LC80630462013143LGN01_MTL.txt sensor=ot8

Metada file is MTL file: new format
RADIANCE & QUANTIZE from data of the metadata file

ESUN evaluate from REFLECTANCE_ADDITIVE_FACTOR_BAND of the metadata file
ACQUISITION DATE 2013-05-23 [production date 2013-05-28]
Earth-sun distance = 0.00000000
Solar elevation angle = 0.00000000
Atmospheric correction = UNCORRECTED

Error 2: Because of this (?) it thinks that BAND 1 (and all the rest of the bands) have calibrated DN's in the range 0 to 0.

     BAND 1  (code 1)
calibrated digital number (DN): 0.0 to 0.0

calibration constants (L): -0.000 to 0.000
at-sensor radiance = -0.00000000 * DN + -0.000
mean solar exoatmospheric irradiance (ESUN): -0.000
at-sensor reflectance = radiance / -0.00000
BAND 2 (code 2)
calibrated digital number (DN): 0.0 to 0.0
calibration constants (L): 330444430637036151551722492294

49817417372212139642585088.000 to 0.000
at-sensor radiance = -0.00000000 * DN + -0.000

mean solar exoatmospheric irradiance (ESUN): 0.000
at-sensor reflectance = radiance / -0.00000

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