Saturday 30 November 2019

ESRI REST API clients?

So, if I implement the esri GeoServices REST API with a non-esri service, what clients can I use with it?

We (GeoREST) were initially thinking that ArcGIS Explorer or other desktop clients would be able to access it, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Looking at the web stream with Fiddler, these appear to fall back to a SOAP interface when passed the REST end point.

The web APIs looked promising, but the terms under which you're allowed to use them appear to be pretty restrictive:

I thought these permitted use for public, non-commercial purposes, but wording in the second link made me doubt that interpretation.

I may be missing something, but a lack of freely usable clients seems to limit the value for a third party to implement this API.

Does anyone have any further insight into the licencing restrictions on the web APIs, or know of other services that grok the REST API?

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