Thursday, 20 June 2019

arcpy - Cloning a transactional version in ArcGIS

In ArcGIS documentation, I cannot find any references to cloning a transactional version. Is there a built in method for it?

I think I know how to do it manually in Arcpy, basically creating a new state branching from a parent and copying all the deltas with the given state (clone source) to the new state (clone) and of course adding the new state to the version tree under the parent, but I am wondering if there is a more neat way of doing it.

Update: Lets put it in more abstract way: Assume version hierarchy like A->B, A->C and C->D. i.e. B and C are decedents of A and D is decedent of C. The objective is to get an independent copy of C and call it E, while keeping the proper hierarchy. That is, after cloning, we will have A->E and E will contain exactly all the changes in C. Note that, creating a version off of C will not cut it b/c if C changes, those changes will be reflected in E, which we do not want. Also, taking a branch off of A will not work since it does not have what is in C. Of course, we do not want to reconcile C into A and then get a version off of A - that is against the whole goal of having all these versions around.

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