Thursday, 25 May 2017

qgis - Label only one polygon in canvas/map view per category/value in attribute table

In QGIS (2.18), how do you show only one label per field of view in the map canvas for each visible category (that is displayed in the map view/canvas at any given scale/focus) of a multi-feature polygon layer that has been styled with different colours and returns different labels based on fields in its attribute table?

I have a base layer with many polygons and detailed attributes for a QGIS project that I am loading on an Android device using the wonderful QField app.

My problem is that in each map view I have many coloured attributes representing different vegetation types that each show a label for almost every polygon. This clutters up the view considerably.

Result sought:
I only need one label per categorised polygon result (colour etc.) showing per map view, not a label for every polygon visible.

i.e. I need at least one label of every category of vegetation type polygon visible in each map view showing at all times, but I don't want to show two (or more) labels for say "rainforest" if there are 50 small polygons visible.

Or, if there are 5 polygons for "rainforest", 2 polygons for "woodland", and 1 polygon for "lagoon", at all times, I want only one of the polygon's (perhaps either the biggest, average or smallest) for each vegetation type showing.

Tried/doesn't work:
1/ Unfortunately I can not just dissolve the layer by attribute and then show all the visible layers as the shapefile is too big to have to load in its entirety every time.

2/ Can't simply suppress small polygon shape size labels as some very comparatively small polygons require labelling.

Hoping there is either a built in labelling function button I am missing that help's with this, or a formula I can embed in my current labelling formula to achieve this.

Perhaps there is a QGIS variable equal to "map view" ("canvas extent/view") that may assist?

Or a query to say "show only one label per attribute result visible in map canvas"?

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