Monday, 9 January 2017

Distance between GPS coordinates

Given a database of GPS points, a center GPS location, and a radius R (in meters), how can I find all points in the database that are within a distance of R of the center point? Will the distance iso-lines be an ellipse?


For such short distances and since you are doing the coding yourself, the flat earth equations would probably be a good enough approximation but it depends on your accuracy requirements.

Compute the distance from latp,lonp to lat1/lon1 via the equirectangular projection:

p1 = (lonp - lon1) cos ( 0.5*(latp+lat1) ) //convert lat/lon to radians
p2 = (latp - lat1)
distance = EarthRadius * sqrt( p1*p1 + p2*p2)
use EarthRadius = 6371000 meters and your distance will be in meters

Latp/Lonp will be your reference lat/lon (in radians!). Lat1/Lon1 will be the point you are testing. Once you have distance, it is an easy test to determine if the point lies within your circle.

Reference: section Equirectangular approximation at the site:

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