Tuesday, 31 January 2017

arcgis desktop - Is there a way to show a layers feature count in the TOC?

I'm using ArcGIS 10. In ArcMap's table of contents (TOC), is there a way to have the "Layer Name" automatically show a count of the total number of features in each layer?

I was thinking the TOC would look something like this:

  • Roads (27)

  • Streams (100)

  • Parcels (12)

I found this option for Unique Value renders, but:

  1. I am not an ArcObjects guy, and

  2. I want to work with just the Single Value renderer.

The "List By Selection" tab sort of has this capability, but only when there are selected features.


As @Paul & @PolyGeo suggested, I think trying to make this a Python Add-in makes the most sense, and I will pursue that idea later.

In the meantime, I put together code that will Add/Update the TOC Name of user-defined layers in an MXD with feature counts. For my purposes, I just created this as a GP tool that would accept individual layers via a multivalue input that accepts "Layers" in the script tool. That allows me to update multiple layers "on-demand", just updating the feature counts of those layers of interest.

I haven't come up with a way to have this run automatically, however in doing some testing of old MXD's, that may not even be desirable. If you have a lot of layers with a lot of features, it could be a slow process.


import arcpy

LayerInput = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd):

#Skip over group layers, as they have no values to count
if lyr.isGroupLayer:

#Determine basename of the layer, without the feature count
name = str(lyr.name)

#Determine if the layer is in the user-defined list
if name not in LayerInput:

#Determine if the layer name already includes a COUNT
if "[" in name and "]" in name:
lpos = name.find("[")

basename = name[:lpos-1]
basename = name
print " Updating feature count in TOC name for layer: " + str(basename)
arcpy.AddMessage(" Updating feature count in TOC name for layer: " + str(basename) )

# In 10.1, you may be able to use arcpy.da.SearchCursor to increase the speed.
#fcount = 0
#cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(lyr)

#for row in cursor:
# fcount += 1
#del cursor

#Get the feature count
fcount = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(lyr).getOutput(0))

#Update the lyr.name property
lyr.name = basename + " [n=" + str(fcount) + "]"
del fcount


#Garbage collection
del mxd

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