Friday, 27 January 2017

enterprise geodatabase - GDB Compression Not Updating Base Tables

I'm having an issue when compressing a database the edits are not being posted to the base table immediately, this sometimes takes hours until I can see the edits. Right now the only way I can force the changes to show is shut down the portal service -> compress -> restart the service. Is there another way I can go about doing this so I don't need to shutdown the services to push all edits to the base tables?

For clarification, when I make an edit in portal and exit the edit session I go to compress the database from ArcCatalog. None of these edits show in the base table. If I compress again a few hours later they may or may not show up in the base table.

This is becoming a problem for me when it comes to tracking jobs. I have an excel tracker where I bring in the database table and do vlookups for completion dates. I have a python script that runs every hour to compress the database and thought I could rely on the spreadsheet being updated at the bottom of every hour.

Without shutting down connected services the lowest endstate count I can get is 2 if that matters.


With Midavalo's help I've found a better way of handling this. I should have been connecting to the versioned table view within excel instead of trying to directly connect to the base table. However, for some un-explainable reason I could not see the view ending in .evw for the layer I was interested in. I first tried to enable SQL access via ArcCatalog but would receive and error saying "Creating a view on myDB.DBO.myLayer failed: Attribute Coloumn not found.

To fix this issue I first "unregistered as versioned" the dataset this layer was part of and then "registered as versioned" again. After I've done this the .evw view for the layer I needed was able to be seen.

This is a much better way of bringing the most up to date data into excel. I notice changes as soon as they are made instead of being delayed by hours!

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