I'm using ogr2ogr
to import data into a PostGIS database. Each dataset I need to import has (theoretically) the same exact data structure, but it appears that they are not the same geometry types. Example, I've already imported the first layer, and there's a layer called "streets". Running this command, I import the first feature class from the first database (I have GDAL configured to read .mdb
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"host=localhost user=postgres dbname=database port=5432" city1.mdb streets -nln streets -nlt MULTILINESTRING -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geometry
When I go to append (using the -append
flag) the same streets layer from city2.mdb
, I get this error (presumably due to conflicting geometry types for the two "streets" layers:
Warning 1: Geometry to be inserted is of type 3D Line String, whereas the layer geometry type is 3D Multi Line String.
Insertion is likely to fail
ERROR 1: INSERT command for new feature failed.
ERROR: Geometry type (LineString) does not match column type (MultiLineString)
Is there a straightforward way with ogr2ogr
to cast geometries to the same type on import? Or a way to handle this by predefining the schema and geometries for each table beforehand?
Use the -nlt
option. In this case you want:
There is also PROMOTE_TO_MULTI
(GDAL 1.10 and later), which chooses either MULTILINESTRING
depending on the input layer. The use case for this is "doing a mass conversion of shapefiles that [mix] different types of geometries".
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