Friday, 21 October 2016

InvalidStateError in IE for esri-leaflet

I have a map that works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox, but gets stuck on the httpRequest in IE 11.

I get InvalidStateError in here on httpRequest.timeout = context.options.timeout.

I am a bit lost, not familiar with Request.js and haven't had much luck find any issues like this.

function xmlHttpPost (url, params, callback, context) {
var httpRequest = createRequest(callback, context);

if (typeof context !== 'undefined' && context !== null) {
if (typeof context.options !== 'undefined') {
httpRequest.timeout = context.options.timeout;

The Global code from the Call stack in the IE debugger shows my query statement as well.

          // style each zone and add to layer group (error, response) {
L.geoJson(response, {

style: function (feature) {
switch ( {
case 'CN': return { fillColor: '#FF7800', stroke: false, fillOpacity: 0.35 };
case 'CG': return { fillColor: '#DF73FF', stroke: false, fillOpacity: 0.35 };
case 'S-T4': return { fillColor: '#FFFF73', stroke: false, fillOpacity: 0.35 };
case 'S-T5': return { fillColor: '#FFFF73', stroke: false, fillOpacity: 0.35 };
case 'S-T5-2': return { fillColor: '#FFFF73', stroke: false, fillOpacity: 0.35 };
case 'S-T5-1': return { fillColor: '#FFFF73', stroke: false, fillOpacity: 0.35 };



It looks like this is an IE10/11 specific bug (problem isn't reproducible in 9 or Edge), but with your help i was able to identify a workaround.

The fix has been included in esri-leaflet 2.0.0

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