Saturday, 29 October 2016

Join spatial point data to polygons in R

I am trying to perform a spatial join between point data and polygon data.

I have data that indicate the spatial coordinates of an event in my csv file A and have another file, shapefile B, that contains the boundaries of an area as polygons.

month longitude latitude lsoa_code crime_type
1 2014-09 -1.550626 53.59740 E01007359 Anti-social behaviour
2 2014-09 -1.550626 53.59740 E01007359 Public order
3 2014-09 -1.865236 53.93678 E01010646 Anti-social behaviour

code name altname
0 E05004934 Longfield, New Barn and Southfleet
1 E05000448 Lewisham Central
2 E05003149 Hawcoat

I want to join the crime data A to my shapefile B to map the crime events that happen in my area A. Unfortunately I cannot perform an attribute join based code as the code in A refers to different units than the code in B.

I've read a number of tutorials and posts but could not find an answer. I tried:

joined = over(A, B)

and overlay, but did not accomplish what I wanted.

Is there a way to do this join directly or would an intermediate transformation from A to another format be needed?

Conceptually I want to select those points of A that fall into the code areas of B (similar to "join based on spatial location in ArcGIS").

Did someone have this issue and solved it?


The function in the spatialEco package returns a SpatialPointsDataFrame object of the points that intersect an sp polygon object and optionally adds the polygon attributes.

First lets add the require packages and create some example data.


coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
sr1=Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(c(180114, 180553, 181127, 181477, 181294, 181007, 180409,
180162, 180114), c(332349, 332057, 332342, 333250, 333558, 333676,
332618, 332413, 332349)))),'1')
sr2=Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(c(180042, 180545, 180553, 180314, 179955, 179142, 179437,
179524, 179979, 180042), c(332373, 332026, 331426, 330889, 330683,
331133, 331623, 332152, 332357, 332373)))),'2')
sr3=Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(c(179110, 179907, 180433, 180712, 180752, 180329, 179875,
179668, 179572, 179269, 178879, 178600, 178544, 179046, 179110),

c(331086, 330620, 330494, 330265, 330075, 330233, 330336, 330004,
329783, 329665, 329720, 329933, 330478, 331062, 331086)))),'3')
sr4=Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(c(180304, 180403,179632,179420,180304),
c(332791, 333204, 333635, 333058, 332791)))),'4')
srdf=SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sr, data.frame(row.names=c('1','2','3','4'), PIDS=1:4, y=runif(4)))

Now, lets take a quick look at the data and plot it.

head(srdf@data)  # polygons
head(meuse@data) # points

points(meuse, pch=20)

Finally, we can intersect the points with the polygons. The results will be a SpatialPointsDataFrame object with, in this case, two extra attributes (PIDS, y) that were contained in the srdf polygon data.

  pts.poly <-, srdf)

If there is not a unique identification column in the polygon data you could easily add one.

srdf@data$poly.ids <- 1:nrow(srdf) 

Once we have the points and polygons intersected, we can aggregate the points using the unique polygon ID's that were an attribute in the polygon data.

# Number of points in each polygon
tapply(pts.poly@data$lead, pts.poly@data$PIDS, FUN=length)

# Mean lead in each polygon
tapply(pts.poly@data$lead, pts.poly@data$PIDS, FUN=mean)

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