Saturday, 22 October 2016

gdal - How do I convert WKT geometry from 3D to 2D

I'm working with kml files using Python gdal.ogr module. When I extract feature's geometry using feature.GetGeometryRef(), I get:

POLYGON ((44.184069865521963 41.971859752507207 0,44.355248797385123 41.976261187945859 0, ...

However, I do not need this Z value - I need just a plain 2D WKT. After hours of searching I found FlattenTo2D() method, but feature.GetGeometryRef().FlattenTo2D() returns None

So how do I convert 3D WKT to 2D?


Using of FlattenTo2D() method is correct way, but the method does not returns new object (like you expected) - it changes current object. So you should use the method like this:

g = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT(1 1 1)")
>> 'POINT (1 1)'

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