Thursday 20 October 2016

Merging overlapping features using Geopandas?

I have a Shapefile with overlapping features. Is there an easy way to merge them with geopandas?

I found a way with shapely, but I would like to do it with geopandas directly.


The GeoDataFrame

import geopandas as gpd
g1 = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file("poly_intersect.shp")
(4, 3)

enter image description here

enter image description here

1) You can use the itertools module

a) If you want to merge the intersections of the overlapping polygons

import itertools

geoms = g1['geometry'].tolist()
intersection_iter = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gpd.GeoSeries([poly[0].intersection(poly[1]) for poly in itertools.combinations(geoms, 2) if poly[0].intersects(poly[1])]), columns=['geometry'])

enter image description here

enter image description here


union_iter = intersection_iter.unary_union

b) If you want to merge the intersected polygons change intersection by union (all the polygons overlap in my example)

enter image description here

2) You can use GeoPandas Overlay


auto_inter = gpd.overlay(g1, g1, how='intersection')

The resulting GeoDataframe

enter image description here

GeoPandas add the intersection geometries to the existing geometries, therefore

intersection = auto_inter[4:7]

enter image description here


union = intersection.unary_union

b) use gpd.overlay(g1, g1, how='union')

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