Sunday 22 March 2015

postgis - Using CASE to select between two geometry functions?

I'm trying to cut holes in forest polygons, where there are lakes.

My PostGIS/PostgreSQL code look like this:

CREATE TABLE samp.forest_with_holes AS
(CASE ST_Intersects(fo.geom, la.geom)
WHEN TRUE THEN ST_Difference(fo.geom, so.geom)
ELSE fo.geom

END CASE;) as geom
from samp.forest as fo, samp.lake as la;

But I get the error message:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "CASE"
LINE xx: END CASE;) as geom

Can anybody help me to see why this is not working - and please suggest a better way :-)


  1. Correct way of using CASE:

    WHEN ST_Intersects(fo.geom, la.geom) THEN ST_Difference(fo.geom, la.geom)
    ELSE fo.geom
    END as geom

  2. Better query:

    SELECT fo.objectid, COALESCE(ST_Difference(fo.geom, ST_Collect(la.geom)), fo.geom) AS geom

    FROM samp.forest AS fo
    LEFT JOIN samp.lake AS la ON ST_Intersects(fo.geom, la.geom)
    GROUP BY fo.objectid


Coalesce gives you the first non-null input and since the difference between a geom and null results in null it will return the next value: 'fo.geom'. The ST_Collect aggregate is needed to make sure you cut multiple holes when there is more than 1 lake in the same forest polygon.

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