Tuesday 24 February 2015

wmts - Easy way to see the requests QGIS makes to a remote server?

I'm attempting to debug an issue with a remote ArcGis Server's WMTS as seen from GeoServer. I can see the requests GeoTools is making (because they throw an error and get logged). However the service works in QGIS (3.0 if that makes a difference) and I would like to know what the difference in the requests is.

I know I can set up wireshark or some such but I hoped there was a way of getting QGIS to log the URLs being requested directly via a flag or setting?.


It seems there is no easy way to do this in QGis, so I solved it by adding a simple proxy, Python Logging Proxy which "does what it says on the can".

I modified the file LoggingProxyHTTPHandler.py to comment out line 105

print response.content

since I didn't need to see the "contents" of the images being sent back. Then to run the proxy all you do is

python ./proxy.py

And in QGis go to Settigns->Options->Network and turn on the use proxy for web access and fill in localhost and 8000 for the Host and Port.

enter image description here Then every time QGis requests a WMTS (or other web image) you will see the request and the response in the terminal.

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