Saturday 19 December 2015

GDAL not available in MODIS R package?

I am trying to analyze the MODIS EVI 250m, 16day dataset. I found the R MODIS package and am following the instructions here:

But when I try to run the runGDAL function it tells me that:

dates1 <- as.POSIXct( as.Date(c("01/01/2015","31/12/2015"),format = "%d/%m/%Y") )
dates2 <- transDate(dates1[1],dates1[2])
product <- "MOD13Q1"

h = "25"
v = "07"
runGdal(product=product,begin=dates2$beginDOY,end = dates2$endDOY,tileH = h,tileV = v,SDSstring = "111", outProj="4326")

However I get the error:

Error in runGdal(product = product, begin = dates2$beginDOY, end = dates2$endDOY, : GDAL not installed or configured, read in '?MODISoptions' for help

I tried using the checkTools() command to set GDAL:


Checking availabillity of GDAL: OK, GDAL 1.11.3, released 2015/09/16 found!

Does anybody have any ideas on how to fix this issue?

I'm using MODIS version 0.10.33. Output of MODISoptions():

localArcPath : /Users/sujoybhattacharyya/MODIS_download
outDirPath : /Users/sujoybhattacharyya/MODIS_download/Processed

dlmethod : auto
stubbornness : high

GDAL : Not available. Use 'MODIS:::checkTools('GDAL')' for more information!
MRT : Not available. Use 'MODIS:::checkTools('MRT')' for more information!
pixelSize : asIn
outProj : asIn

resamplingType : NN
dataFormat : GTiff


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