Monday 28 December 2015

ArcGis 10 interpolate Z between polyline's vertices (IZ.InterpolateZsBetween ?)

Here's what's happening:

I want to create a 3D line using only the height of some GSP points. I need to be able to extrapolate the vertice's height between where it's known to the one where it's unkonwn.

What I have tried:

  • Creating a TIN from GPS points: where the line meanders and there is no GPS points, the height is not correct.

  • Linear Referencing tools: but as originally the Polyline Z has no value interpolated between each vertex, it doesn't seem to do what is needed

  • Conversion of Point to raster at a 1 m cell (Nodata outside the cell where the GPS points lay) and extraction of the Z value to the vertex where they overlap the cell with value, leaving the not-overlapping vertices without Z value.

Is this what I need?:

I think I should use something like "IZ.InterpolateZsBetween" but I am useless at coding. Could someone please explain me how to implement this fonction?

Many thanks


IZ.InterpolateZsBetween interpolates between vertices with Z value. Use it if your polyline has some Z values.

Otherwise you can use Extract Values to points or Interpolate Shape. These both require surface that you may get your values. Not sure if TIN would be ok, but always you can convert TIN To Raster.

Also you could construct polyline ZM and Calibrate Route M with your GPS points. It should do what IZ.InterpolateZsBetween, only for M. Than you could use M as Z. though as far as I remember year back there was a bug in this algorithm. Still worth a try.

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