Wednesday 10 June 2015

QGIS Polygon edge style based on adjoining feature?

Is there a way to change the style of only PART of a polygon's border in QGIS? I would like one or two edges of certain polygons to render a different color, or not at all, depending on the type of feature that is adjacent. (For example, a political division that adjoins a waterbody would show that one edge as blue.)

The obvious way seems to be changing the style of the adjoining feature, then using symbol levels to have it render on top of the first feature, but this doesn't work; there is always a little bit of the other border showing through underneath:

I can increase the line thickness of the adjoining feature so that it fully covers the feature underneath (in the example image it's already twice as thick), but then it also begins to cover the interior of that polygon. I can also convert to polylines and just clip off the shoreline, but then I lose the geometry. I think what I really need is a way to suppress rendering of the border on the one side, and just covering it with something else isn't working.

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