Tuesday 23 June 2015

arcgis 10.0 - Sum the values of a single raster and output the value as a number?

I have a floating point raster and have applied a conditional to it in order to only extract the positive values, so there are 'no data' "holes" in the raster. I simply need to sum the values from this raster and output it as a number.

I came across this thread, which I'm sure some of you will recognize. Has anyone developed a working solution? I'm working in Arc10 and making use of ArcObjects if necessary.

EDIT: I've included a VB.NET version of @Kirk's C# code. It's provided as is, but it should be a good starting point if it doesn't already completely satisfy its purpose.

    Public Shared Sub TestSumRaster()
Dim path As String = "D:\topo_modeling\topo_modeling\gis\usgs\ned_10m.img"
Dim rds = OpenRaster(path)

Dim sum As Double = SumRaster(rds)
Debug.Print("sum : {0}", sum)
End Sub

Public Shared Function SumRaster(rasDs As IRasterDataset) As Double
' sum up each band in a raster dataset
Dim rasBandCol As IRasterBandCollection = DirectCast(rasDs, IRasterBandCollection)
Dim sum As Double = 0.0

' Iterate through each band of the dataset.

For i As Integer = 0 To rasBandCol.Count - 1
sum += SumBand(rasBandCol.Item(i))
Return sum
End Function

Private Shared Function SumBand(rBand As IRasterBand) As Double

' sum up each block in a band
Dim sum As Double = 0.0

' QI to IRawBlocks from IRasterBandCollection
Dim rawBlocks = DirectCast(rBand, IRawBlocks)

' Determine the tiling scheme for the raster dataset.
Dim tile = New Tile(rawBlocks.RasterInfo)

' NoData is array, but usually just has one value in it.

' Create the pixel block.

Dim pb = rawBlocks.CreatePixelBlock()

' Iterate through the pixel blocks.
For pbYcursor As Integer = tile.startY To tile.endY - 1
For pbXcursor As Integer = tile.startX To tile.endX - 1
' Get the pixel block.
rawBlocks.ReadBlock(pbXcursor, pbYcursor, 0, pb)
sum += SumBlock(pb, pbXcursor, pbYcursor, rawBlocks.RasterInfo.NoData)

Return sum
End Function

Private Shared Function SumBlock(pb As IPixelBlock, pbXcursor As Integer, pbYcursor As Integer, noDataValues As Object) As Double
' sum up each pixel in the pixelblock
Dim sum As Double = 0.0

' Put the pixel block into a SafeArray for manipulation.
Dim safeArray = TryCast(DirectCast(pb.get_SafeArray(0), System.Array), System.Array)

Dim noDataList = New List(Of [Single])(DirectCast(noDataValues, [Single]()))

' Iterate through the pixels in the pixel block.
For row As Integer = 0 To pb.Height - 1
For col As Integer = 0 To pb.Width - 1
Dim val As Object = safeArray.GetValue(row, col)
Dim singVal = DirectCast(val, [Single])

If Not noDataList.Contains(singVal) Then

sum += singVal
End If
Return sum
End Function


Here is code adapted from this sample. You'll need to modify it if your raster is double (instead of Single). Tested with a DEM downloaded from here. I heard somewhere that C# is now better at handling contravariance. If so, I'd be curious how this code could be generalized to support either single or double precision rasters.

public static void TestSumRaster()

string path = @"D:\topo_modeling\topo_modeling\gis\usgs\ned_10m.img";
var rds = OpenRaster(path);
double sum = SumRaster(rds);
Debug.Print("sum : {0}", sum);

public static double SumRaster(IRasterDataset rasDs)
// sum up each band in a raster dataset
IRasterBandCollection rasBandCol = (IRasterBandCollection)rasDs;

double sum = 0.0;

// (can't think of a case where you'd need to sum across more than one band)

// Iterate through each band of the dataset.
for (int i = 0; i < rasBandCol.Count; i++)
sum += SumBand(rasBandCol.Item(i));
return sum;


private static double SumBand(IRasterBand rBand)
// sum up each block in a band
double sum = 0.0;
// QI to IRawBlocks from IRasterBandCollection.
var rawBlocks = (IRawBlocks)rBand;

// Determine the tiling scheme for the raster dataset.

var tile = new Tile(rawBlocks.RasterInfo);

// NoData is array, but usually just has one value in it.

// Create the pixel block.
var pb = rawBlocks.CreatePixelBlock();

// Iterate through the pixel blocks.
for (int pbYcursor = tile.startY; pbYcursor < tile.endY; pbYcursor++)

for (int pbXcursor = tile.startX; pbXcursor < tile.endX; pbXcursor++)
// Get the pixel block.
rawBlocks.ReadBlock(pbXcursor, pbYcursor, 0, pb);
sum += SumBlock(pb, pbXcursor, pbYcursor,rawBlocks.RasterInfo.NoData);
return sum;

private static double SumBlock(IPixelBlock pb, int pbXcursor, int pbYcursor, object noDataValues)
// sum up each pixel in the pixelblock
double sum = 0.0;

// Put the pixel block into a SafeArray for manipulation.
var safeArray = (System.Array)pb.get_SafeArray(0) as System.Array;

var noDataList = new List((Single[])noDataValues);

// Iterate through the pixels in the pixel block.
for (int row = 0; row < pb.Height;row++)
for (int col = 0; col < pb.Width;col++)
object val =safeArray.GetValue(row, col);
var singVal = (Single) val;


sum += singVal;
return sum;

public static IRasterDataset OpenRaster(string path)
IGPUtilities3 gpUtil = new GPUtilitiesClass();

var rds = gpUtil.OpenFromString(path) as IRasterDataset;
return rds;
public class Tile
public int startX;
public int endX;
public int startY;
public int endY;
public Tile(IRasterInfo rasInfo)

this.startX = (int)Math.Floor((rasInfo.Extent.Envelope.XMin - rasInfo.Origin.X)
/ (rasInfo.BlockWidth * rasInfo.CellSize.X));
this.endX = (int)Math.Ceiling((rasInfo.Extent.Envelope.XMax - rasInfo.Origin.X)
/ (rasInfo.BlockWidth * rasInfo.CellSize.X));

this.startY = (int)Math.Floor((rasInfo.Origin.Y - rasInfo.Extent.Envelope.YMax)
/ (rasInfo.BlockHeight * rasInfo.CellSize.Y));
this.endY = (int)Math.Ceiling((rasInfo.Origin.Y - rasInfo.Extent.Envelope.YMin)
/ (rasInfo.BlockHeight * rasInfo.CellSize.Y));


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