Wednesday 3 June 2015

postgis - How to add time and elevation dimension attributes to Geoserver rasters?

In geoserver, when I edit a postgis raster layer and click on the Dimensions Tab, I can't enable either of the Time or Elevation dimensions. The following message appears next to each of the respective enable checkboxes:


Cannot enable, no attribute of type Date found


Cannot enable, no attribute of type Number found

Where do I add these attributes? I do have a date column in my raster postgis table.


There is a simple answer, the ImageMosaic JDBC module, that you're using to read data from PostGis raster, does not support dimensions at all. You should try a simple file based ImageMosaic instead (you can still keep the mosaic index in the database if you want).

In case you really need dimensions support in the ImageMosaic JDBC module, have a look here:

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