Thursday 11 June 2015

javascript - Load One Layer from ArcGIS Server MapServer

I am pretty new to ArcGIS Server and am building a map applications using the Javascript API. I can easily load the map layer below by adding it as a ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer

As you can see there are many layers as part of the above url. What if I just want to load the roads layer as a ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer? I've tried replacing the above url with the road specific URL below and that does not seem to work

Is there something else I can do as the front end developer or is it up to those that are hosting and managing the server to create a unique url for the roads?


Make use of the layers property when asking for the exportmap operation from a dynamic map service.

REST API Help on Exportmap operation.

This service was published with 3 visible layers. However, can make a request for certain layers.

  • show: Only the layers specified in this list will be exported.

  • hide: All layers except those specified in this list will be exported.

  • include: In addition to the layers exported by default, the layers specified in this list will be exported.

  • exclude: The layers exported by default excluding those specified in this list will be exported.

Also take a look at what additional behaviour you can do with the use of dynamic layers.

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