Thursday 11 June 2015

Is there a maximum number of features that QGIS can save into a shapefile?

I have a very large .gdb that I want to reduce to my study area. Unfortunately, the study area is still quite big. I could select features that intersected my study area but when I tried Export > Save Selected Feature crashed and only saved some of the features (4GB). Ideally, I would create another .gdb but it seems that QGIS does not support .gdb creation (read-only) or delete the features I don't need directly in the .gdb but as far as I know it is not possible to modify a layer in a .gdb.


Officially, .shp and .dbf files are limited to 2GB. Using GDAL Shapefile driver this can be exceeded, but as stated on this site, this is not recommended due to compatibility issues (See point #Size Issues).

As @Gabriel C. already mentioned, geopackage is a good alternative. You could also use a SpatialLite or SQLite database.

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