Saturday 28 December 2019

geoext - Get mouse position in OpenGeo

I'm using GeoExt as part of OpenGeo Suite using code generated by the Open Geo suite SDK.

I would like to display the current mouse coordinate and don’t really know how to do it. As far as I know GeoExt has no plugin for this and don’t know how to add the OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition() to mi code. I found a simillar question here but in my case I dont have a GeoExt.MapPanel, instead I have a gxp.Viewer. Here is my code


* Add all your dependencies here.
* @require RowExpander.js
* @require widgets/Viewer.js
* @require plugins/LayerManager.js
* @require plugins/AddLayers.js
* @require plugins/RemoveLayer.js
* @require plugins/FeatureManager.js
* @require plugins/FeatureGrid.js
* @require plugins/OLSource.js

* @require plugins/OSMSource.js
* @require plugins/WMSCSource.js
* @require plugins/WMSGetFeatureInfo.js
* @require plugins/Zoom.js
* @require plugins/ZoomToExtent.js
* @require plugins/ZoomToLayerExtent.js
* @require plugins/Legend.js
* @require plugins/GoogleGeocoder.js
* @require plugins/GoogleSource.js
* @require widgets/CrumbPanel.js

* @require plugins/QueryForm.js
* @require plugins/ZoomToSelectedFeatures.js
* @require plugins/LoadingIndicator.js


var app = new gxp.Viewer({
portalConfig: {
layout: "border",
region: "center",

// by configuring items here, we don't need to configure portalItems
// and save a wrapping container
items: [{
id: "centerpanel",
xtype: "panel",
layout: "fit",
region: "center",
border: false,
items: ["mymap"]

}, {
// container for the layer manager etc.
id: "westpanel",
region: "west",
xtype: "gxp_crumbpanel",
collapsible: true,
//collapseMode: "mini",
//hideCollapseTool: true,
split: true,
border: true,

width: 200
}, {
// container for the FeatureGrid
id: "south",
region: "south",
xtype: "gxp_crumbpanel",
collapsible: true,
collapseMode: "mini",
collapsed: true,
hideCollapseTool: true,

split: true,
border: true,
bbar: {id: "mybbar"}

// configuration of all tool plugins for this application
tools: [{
ptype: "gxp_layermanager",

outputConfig: {
id: "tree",
title: "Capas",
tbar: [] // we will add buttons to "tree.bbar" later
outputTarget: "westpanel"
}, {
ptype: "gxp_addlayers",
actionTarget: "tree.tbar"
}, {

ptype: "gxp_removelayer",
actionTarget: ["tree.tbar", "tree.contextMenu"]
}, {
ptype: "gxp_zoomtolayerextent",
actionTarget: ["tree.tbar", "tree.contextMenu"]
}, {
ptype: "gxp_zoomtoextent",
actionTarget: "map.tbar"
}, {
ptype: "gxp_legend",

actionTarget: "tree.tbar"
}, {
ptype: "gxp_zoom",
actionTarget: "map.tbar"
ptype: "gxp_wmsgetfeatureinfo",
outputConfig: {
width: 400
}, {

ptype: "gxp_googlegeocoder",
outputTarget: "map.tbar",
outputConfig: {
emptyText: "Buscar(Google)..."
}, {
ptype: "gxp_featuremanager",
id: "featuremanager",
autoSetLayer: true,

}, {
ptype: "gxp_featuregrid",
featureManager: "featuremanager",
outputConfig: {
id: "featuregrid"
outputTarget: "south"
}, {
ptype: "gxp_queryform",

featureManager: "featuremanager",
outputConfig: {
title: "Busqueda",
width: 400
actionTarget: ["tree.contextMenu", "map.tbar"],//"featuregrid.bbar"
appendActions: false,
autoExpand: "south",
}, {

featureManager: "featuremanager",
outputTarget: "featuregrid.bbar"
}, {
ptype: "gxp_loadingindicator",
loadingMapMessage:"Cargando mapa..."

// layer sources
defaultSourceType: "gxp_wmscsource",
sources: {

local: {
ptype: "gxp_wmscsource",
url: "/geoserver/wms",
version: "1.1.1"

osm: {
ptype: "gxp_osmsource"

google: {
ptype: "gxp_googlesource"

// map and layers
map: {
id: "mymap", // id needed to reference map in portalConfig above
title: "Mapa",
projection: "EPSG:900913",

center: [-10764594.758211, 4523072.3184791],
zoom: 4,
//controls: [pos],
layers: [{
source: "google",
name: "SATELLITE",
group: "background"
}, {
source: "google",
name: "ROADMAP",

group: "background"
}, {
source: "osm",
name: "mapnik",
group: "background",
selected: true
}, {
source: "local",
name: "CONAGUA:estados",
selected: true

}, {
source: "local",
name: "CONAGUA:Sitios",
selected: true
items: [{
xtype: "gx_zoomslider",
vertical: true,
height: 100



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