Saturday 16 December 2017

arcgis desktop - Combining Layers using ArcMap?

How do I combine two shapefiles into one shapefile?

My GPS unit tells me this:

(arcpad 8 juno) the map projection for *.shp does not match the current map projection

If you could provide more insight into the error message that would be useful.


The Append or Merge geoprocessing tools are suitable for combining two datasets. You can execute them from ArcToolbox which you will find in ArcMap (or ArcCatalog for that matter).

The ArcPad error message is a different problem (and probably should have been posted as a separate question). Shapefiles have a spatial reference associated with them (usualy in a .prj file), so does the map. The error message states that the two are different and the data cannot be reprojected. ArcPad 8 can actually deal with different projections, but this support is rather limited and is not as comprehensive as in ArcGIS Desktop, which can reproject data on-the-fly for just about any projection. See FAQ: What projections, datums, and related parameters does ArcPad 8.x support? for details.

You can change the map projection to match that of the shapefile, if it's supported. You can also do the opposite - reproject the shapefile to the coordinate system used by the map. Reprojection of feature data can be done via the Project geoprocessing tool.

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