Friday, 29 December 2017

arcpy - Clean up attributes

I want to clean up the attribute table of a road shapefile for all the entries in the fields.

For example: As seen below I have a road feature with a "Name", Name From and Name To in the attribute list. In the selected row the name of the segment is Louis Botha.

The NameFrom also contains this segment name (Louis Botha & Unknown).

After I clean up the data I only want the following to present in the relevant fields:

Name = Louis Botha Name From = Unknown Name To = Janeke

Is there a way to remove this in both the the "name from" and "name to" fields for ALL the attributes?

enter image description here


The following script performs the actions you are after using a cursor. There is a lot of error handling to deal with a lot of potential problems--remove as needed. This alters the original data, so make sure to run this on a copy to make sure the results are what you are after. I added comments in the script rather than highlighting here.

import arcpy, os

fc = r'C:\temp\test.gdb\test_1'

with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, ["Name", "Name_From", "Name_To", "OID@"]) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] != None: # Make sure there are no None type data

# 1) Split strings by "&" and 2) remove leading/tailing white space
cleaned = [x.strip() for x in row[1].split("&")] # "Name_From" field
cleaned2 = [x.strip() for x in row[2].split("&")] # "Name_To" field

# Tackling the "Name_From" field
if row[0] in cleaned: # Make sure "Name" is in "Name_From" field
cleaned.remove(row[0]) # Remove "Name" from field
if len(cleaned) > 1:
new = ' & '.join(cleaned)
row[1] = new
elif len(cleaned) == 1:
row[1] = cleaned[0]
print "There was a problem with OID %s" % row[3]

# Tackling the "Name_To" field
if row[0] in cleaned2: # Make sure "Name" is in "Name_To" field
cleaned2.remove(row[0]) # Remove "Name" from field
if len(cleaned2) > 1:
new2 = ' & '.join(cleaned2)
row[2] = new2
elif len(cleaned2) == 1:
row[2] = cleaned2[0]

print "There was a problem with OID %s" % row[3]

enter image description here

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