Friday 2 June 2017

python - Possible to add multiple fields in single arcpy statement?

I'm trying to add multiple fields to a table using arcpy and am wondering if it's possible to have multiple fields declared in the AddField management, and their values, separated by commas or something? Here is the code as stands, which is slightly cumbersome:

import arcpy, sys

arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\gislab2\\Python\\take_home"
shapefile = "USCancer2000.shp"

#Set fieldname variables
field_name1 = "Crdrt"

field_name2 = "Crdrt_min"
field_name3 = "Crdrt_max"
field_name4 = "Ageadj"
field_name5 = "MinAgeAdj"
field_name6 = "MaxAgeAdj"

###Declare each standard population per age group, and for summed standard population


#Add the fields one at a time
arcpy.AddField_management(shapefile,field_name2,"DOUBLE", "5","4","","","NULLABLE","NON_REQUIRED","")
arcpy.AddField_management(shapefile,field_name3,"DOUBLE", "5","4","","","NULLABLE","NON_REQUIRED","")
arcpy.AddField_management(shapefile,field_name4,"DOUBLE", "5","4","","","NULLABLE","NON_REQUIRED","")
arcpy.AddField_management(shapefile,field_name5,"DOUBLE", "5","4","","","NULLABLE","NON_REQUIRED","")

arcpy.AddField_management(shapefile,field_name6,"DOUBLE", "5","4","","","NULLABLE","NON_REQUIRED","")

I know there's a way to create a loop to do it, but was wondering if there was a simpler and more direct way.

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