Sunday, 16 December 2018

Self-hosting Mapbox vector tiles

As presented in a talk at FOSS4G Mapbox Studio allows to create Mapbox vector tiles and export them as a .mbtiles file.

The mapbox-gl.js library can be used to dynamically style and render Mapbox vector tiles on client (browser) side.

The missing part: How can I self-host Mapbox vector tiles (.mbtiles) so that I can consume them with mapbox-gl.js?

I know that Mapbox Studio can upload the vector tiles to the Mapbox server and let it host the tiles. But that's no option for me, I want to host the vector tiles on my own server.

The TileStream approach below turned out to be a dead end. See my answer for a working solution with Tilelive.

I tried TileStream which can serve image tiles out of .mbtiles files:

My webpage uses mapbox-gl v0.4.0:

and it creates a mapboxgl.Map in a JavaScript script:

  var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
center: [46.8104, 8.2452],
zoom: 9,
style: 'c.json'


The c.json style file configures the vector tile source:

"version": 6,
"sprite": "",
"glyphs": "mapbox://fontstack/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"constants": {
"@land": "#808080",
"@earth": "#805040",

"@water": "#a0c8f0",
"@road": "#000000"
"sources": {
"osm_roads": {
"type": "vector",
"url": "tile.json"
"layers": [{

"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"paint": {
"background-color": "@land"
}, {
"id": "roads",
"type": "line",
"source": "osm_roads",
"source-layer": "roads",

"paint": {
"line-color": "@road"

... with the following TileJSON specification in tile.json:

"tilejson": "2.1.0",
"tiles": [

"minzoom": 0,
"maxzoom": 12

... which points to my TileStream server running at localhost:8888. TileStream has been started with:

node index.js start --tiles="..\tiles"

... where the ..\tiles folder contains my osm_roads.mbtiles file.

With this setup, I can open my webpage but only see the background layer. In the browser network trace I can see that tiles are indeed loaded when I zoom in, but the browser JavaScript error console contains several errors of the form

Error: Invalid UTF-8 codepoint: 160      in mapbox-gl.js:7

Since vector tiles are not .png images but rather ProtoBuf files, the tiles URL http://localhost:8888/v2/osm_roads/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf would actually make more sense, but that doesn't work.

Any ideas?


As pointed out by @Greg, instead of TileStream (my first attempt) you should use Tilelive to host your own vector tiles.

Tilelive isn't a server itself but a backend framework that deals with tiles in different formats from different sources. But it's based on Node.js so you can turn it into a server in a pretty straight-forward way. To read tiles from a .mbtiles source as exported by Mapbox Studio, you need the node-mbtiles tilelive module.

Side note: Current Mapbox Studio has a bug under Windows and OS X that prevents an exported .mbtiles file to show up at your chosen destination. Workaround: Just grab the latest export-xxxxxxxx.mbtiles file in ~/.mapbox-studio/cache.

I found two server implementations (ten20 tile server by alexbirkett and TileServer by hanchao) who both use Express.js as a web app server.

Here is my minimalistic approach which is loosely based on these implementations:

  1. Install Node.js

  2. Grab the node packages with npm install tilelive mbtiles express

  3. Implement the server in the file server.js:

    var express = require('express');
    var http = require('http');
    var app = express();
    var tilelive = require('tilelive');


    //Depending on the OS the path might need to be 'mbtiles:///' on OS X and linux
    tilelive.load('mbtiles://path/to/osm_roads.mbtiles', function(err, source) {

    if (err) {
    throw err;
    app.set('port', 7777);

    app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");

    app.get(/^\/v2\/tiles\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+).pbf$/, function(req, res){

    var z = req.params[0];
    var x = req.params[1];

    var y = req.params[2];

    console.log('get tile %d, %d, %d', z, x, y);

    source.getTile(z, x, y, function(err, tile, headers) {
    if (err) {
    } else {


    http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function() {
    console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));

    Note: The Access-Control-Allow-... headers enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) so webpages served from a different server may access the tiles.

  4. Run it with node server.js

  5. Set up the webpage using Mapbox GL JS in minimal.html:

    Mapbox GL JS rendering my own tiles

  6. Indicate the location of the tile source and style the layers with the following minimal.json:

    "version": 6,
    "constants": {
    "@background": "#808080",

    "@road": "#000000"
    "sources": {
    "osm_roads": {
    "type": "vector",
    "tiles": [
    "minzoom": 0,
    "maxzoom": 12

    "layers": [{
    "id": "background",
    "type": "background",
    "paint": {
    "background-color": "@background"
    }, {
    "id": "roads",

    "type": "line",
    "source": "osm_roads",
    "source-layer": "roads",
    "paint": {
    "line-color": "@road"

  7. Serve the webpage and rejoice.

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