Thursday 27 December 2018

Point sampling raster with PostGIS

I am developing a PostGIS query to sample rasters using a point table to detect land cover change. I have read the documentation on ST_value and I am able to get the raster value of a single point using the following query:

SELECT  rid, ST_Value(rast, 1, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(484375.820,4742079.979), 32617)) as b1
FROM imagery.l8_2015_09_12

WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(484375.820,4742079.979), 32617)::geometry, 1);

However, when sampling using a table of points, I cannot get ST_Value to work. When running the following query in the SQL window of QGIS:

-- sample a raster from a table of points 
SELECT ST_Value(r.rast, 3, p.geom) As band3
FROM analysis_results.sample_points AS p, imagery.l8_2015_09_12 AS r
WHERE ST_Intersects(r.rast,p.geom);

I get the following error:

Attempting to get the value of a pixel with a non-point geometry

The table has a multipoint geometry data type, so why is ST_value not playing nicely?


ST_Value is strict about wanting a Point rather than a MultiPoint; one way to bypass this is to use ST_Dump. Taking your first query and converting the Point to a MultiPoint:

ST_Value(rast, 1,
ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(484375.820, 4742079.979), 32617)

) AS b1
FROM imagery.l8_2015_09_12
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(484375.820, 4742079.979), 32617)::geometry, 1);

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