Wednesday 31 October 2018

WFS: DescribeFeatureType query with typenames?

I am struggling with the DescribeFeatureType query with WFS KVP encoding.

I have this WFS: and I can see in the GetCapabilities that there is a FeatureType called au:AdministrativeUnit.

I could of course use DescribeFeatureType to give me the description of all Feature Types of the service, but I would like to use &typeName=XXXX in the kvp to choose only this FeatureType au:AdministrativeUnit

So I basically do the following request:

But the result is not filtering at all to give me only the Feature Type with the name au:AdministrativeUnit.

I saw that in the OGC specifications, there is sometimes written typename or typenames. I tried both of them with changing the version and I don´t get it!

Am I missing something important here?

With an other WFS, I can do the query with filtering typenames without issue!

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