Wednesday 31 October 2018

arcpy - Append/Insert geoprocessing results into an existing feature class (polyline midpoints)

I plan to run a scheduled server job on a feature class in an Oracle 18c/10.7.1 geodatabase.

The job would:

  1. Truncate the rows in an existing feature class

  2. Generate new rows from a geoprocessing tool (FeatureVerticesToPoints / midpoints)

  3. Insert/append the geoprocessing rows into the feature class

Note: I would like to do this without needing to temporarily store any sort of intermediate results in a temporary feature class/GDB.

I've gotten part-way there:

import arcpy
conn = "Database Connections\\DEV.sde\\"
input_lines = "OWNER.ROAD"

arcpy.TruncateTable_management(conn + existing_fc)
arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(conn + input_lines, conn + existing_fc, "MID")

#arcpy.Append_management(, , "TEST", "", "")


I'm not sure how to use FeatureVerticesToPoints_management as the input in the append process.

Is there a way to append/insert geoprocessing results into an existing feature class using ArcPy?


I've built on @user2856's answer:

  1. Loop through a list that has 3 rows. Each row has an input FC, target FC, and an ID field.

  2. For each row in the list:

    • Truncate the target FC

    • Populate the target FC with midpoints from the input FC (target FC fields are: SHAPE, MIDPOINT_X, and MIDPOINT_Y)

    • Populate the ID field in the target FC

Caution! The target FCs will get truncated! All records in the target FCs will be deleted.

import arcpy
conn = "Database Connections\\\\"

#This script only works for polyline feature classes (not polygons or points).
#Caution! The target FCs will get truncated! All records in the target FCs will be deleted.

# INPUT FC TARGET FC ID FIELD (for both the input FC and the target FC)
lstFC = [\
["." , ".S_SEWER_MIDPOINT" , "SEWER_ID" ],\
["." , ".S_ROAD_MIDPOINT" , "ROAD_ID" ],\

def ReloadMidpoints():
for fc in lstFC:
inputFC = conn + (fc)[0]

targetFC = conn + (fc)[1]
idField = (fc)[2]

print "<" + targetFC + "> has been truncated."

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inputFC, ['SHAPE@', idField]) as s_rows:
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(targetFC, ['SHAPE@', idField, "MIDPOINT_X","MIDPOINT_Y"]) as i_rows:
for row in s_rows:
Midpoint = row[0].positionAlongLine(0.50,True).firstPoint

rowVals = [(Midpoint.X,Midpoint.Y),s_rows[1],Midpoint.X,Midpoint.Y]

print "<" + targetFC + "> has been reloaded with midpoints that were generated from <" + (inputFC) + ">."
print ""

print "Complete."

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