Monday 22 October 2018

Using Custom Aerial Raster Imagery with OpenLayers 3 or 4

Currently, openlayers supports bing maps, however this is not an ideal option for a commercial application. What would be ideal is to have the ability to host and serve ariel imagery like NASA blue marble at

Is there a way to serve an open source aerial image as a basemap in an openlayers 3 or 4 application? How could this be accomplished in theory?

EDIT: I'd like to know more about hosting and serving the aerial map locally. There are examples of how to do this with OpenStreetMaps using Mod_tile, renderd, mapnik, osm2pgsql and a postgresql/postgis database on the switch to OSM website

How would one go about replicating this process locally using just raster imagery like NASA blue marble at (Large file)


It seems there is a variation of this question that partly answers it by addressing how to import raster images into a PostGIS database How to import a raster into PostGIS?

Theoretically, you would load a raster image like the NASA blue marble imagery into a PostGIS database using a tool called raster2pgsql. The image could then be served as WMS - through a geospatial data server like GeoServer - in a web-based OpenLayers application.

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